Thematic Workshop 1: Pluricentric Contributions to the Historiography of Portuguese Linguistics: In Tribute to the Scholar Maria Helena de Moura Neves (1931–2022)

Linguistic Historians are responsible for researching the processes involved in constructing linguistic knowledge across all areas relevant to language and languages. However, for research to be conducted with refined scientific rigor, scientists must rely on theory and methods that ensure the excellence of their work. For this reason, the submissions to this workshop should be grounded in one of the theories guiding research, aiming to unveil the process of knowledge construction present in the material under examination, whether to reveal continuities or highlight ruptures in the extensive fabric of linguistic knowledge (see, for example, Koerner 2008).

The workshop will foster critical reflection on research methodologies employed in the historiography of Portuguese linguistics, encouraging the exchange of ideas and collaboration among participants studying Portuguese and indigenous languages in various geographical and social contexts. This includes examining the “climate of opinion” (Koerner 2014), the “horizon of retrospection” (Auroux 1994), and theoretical, technical, documentary, and contextual layers (Swiggers 2004) that have shaped the linguistic landscape, contributing to a pluricentric linguistic heritage of Portuguese Linguistics that enhances the global understanding of the discipline and opens new avenues for future research.

Within this broad perspective, works focused on various themes related to the construction of knowledge about the Portuguese language will be accepted to:  

  1. explore and discuss the varied pluricentric contributions that have significantly shaped the historiography of linguistics in Portuguese-speaking countries. Over the years, Portuguese linguistics has evolved through the influence of diverse theoretical approaches, ranging from traditional and prescriptive to contemporary and descriptive perspectives (Neto 2018; Cavaliere 2022).
  2. examine the challenges and opportunities encountered by scholars of the Portuguese language in different geographical and social contexts in tribute and memory of the scholar Maria Helena de Moura Neves (1931–2022). We will examine the diversity of language variants and the impact of cultural, social, and political factors on linguistic study and comprehension. Additionally, special attention will be given to the role of native languages within territories and among missionaries under Portuguese Patronage, notably in African and Brazilian countries (Zwartjes 2011).
  3. emphasize key historical moments in the Historiography of the Language Sciences of Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the interactions and influences between Portuguese and indigenous languages.

In sum, the workshop provides an inclusive platform for scholars, researchers, and PhD students interested in the diverse contributions to the history of Portuguese linguistics. This involves acknowledging the influence of indigenous languages over time in regions under Portuguese Patronage, thereby contributing to a more comprehensive history of language sciences.

The official languages of this workshop will be Portuguese, French, and English.


Auroux, Sylvain. 1994. La révolution technologique de la grammatisation. Liège: Mardaga.

Cavaliere, Ricardo. 2022. História da Gramática no Brasil: séculos XVI a XIX. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.

Colombat, B.; Lahaussois, A. 2019. Histoire des parties du discours. Leuven : Peeters (Orbis /  Supplementa 46), xxii-563 p.

Koerner, E.F.K. 2008. Universal Index of Biographical Names in the Language Sciences (SiHoLS 113). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Koerner, E.F.K. 2014. Quatro décadas de historiografia linguística: estudos selecionados. Vila Real: Centro de Estudos em Letras, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Col. Linguística, 11).

Neto, José Borges. 2018. História da Gramática. Curitiba: UFPR.

Swiggers, Pierre. 2004. Modelos, Métodos y Problemas en la Historiografía de la Lingüística. In Cristóbal José Corrales Zumbado, Josefa Dorta Luis, Antonia Nelsi Torres González, Dolores Corbella Díaz, Francisca del Mar Plaza Picón (eds.), Nuevas aportaciones a la historiografía lingüística: actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la SEHL. La Laguna (Tenerife), 22 al 25 de octubre de 2003, vol. I, 113-146. Madrid: Arco Libros.

Zwartjes, Otto. 2011. Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550–1800 (SiHoLS 117). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Gonçalo Fernandes (UTAD)

Marli Quadros Leite (USP)

Regina Brito (UPM)